In the newest “Women in Aros Marine” article, we interviewed Inga Rakitaitė – Petrauskienė, the Head of Administration in Aros French branch:
Inga, what do You think are the major challenges of a modern female leader?
Probably the most common challenge is to balance work and family, even more so for women who have a family and children to take care of. I am myself a mother of three, so sometimes I find myself in search of the balance. I find it easier then you have clear priorities and teamwork skills (both parenting and job). Also, I believe it is important not to lose your womanhood, especially when working in a predominantly male team. To find the middle ground between necessary strictness and feminine sensibility can also be a challenge at times.
Who inspires You (a colleague, famous person, other)?
It is not people that inspire me, but their achievements. It could be any person’s any accomplishment, be it in the studies, sports, or whatever other field of activity. My latest discovery – Frida Khalo. Having read her biography you realize that some of your own worries and problems are not even problems. And her paintings talk even more than her story. After the revelation, you do not just wake up in the morning, you jump out of bed and fly to a new day!
We often hear that „time management is the key“, and finding the balance between career and family isn’t exactly a piece of cake. What three pieces of advice or useful tools could You recommend to your colleagues?
Planning, foreseeing possible “blocking points” and fast decision making.
What would be your pieces of advice to a newcomer?
It’s crucial to not be afraid – to ask for a piece of advice or help, or to be initiative about changes. Sometimes we get lulled by the routine and a fresh perspective is exactly what we need to wake up.